Virtual, mixed en augmented reality in het DAF Technology Lab

DAF Technology Lab: Research & Education in Virtual Reality

The DAF Technology Lab is a unique research, education and training facility in virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality. The lab occupies virtual reality rooms with various behavior measurement technologies, VR equipment as well as two CAVE systems. These CAVEs (Cave Virtual Automatic Environment) offer the opportunity to experience virtual reality not individually but collaboratively through VR projection on four walls.


Our goals are to facilitate teachers to explore opportunities of VR, XR and AR in their education, to facilitate researchers to explore the VR, XR, and AR opportunities in their research, and to encourage the academic, societal and business community to explore VR, XR, and AR opportunities in training, development and research.

Unique CAVE systems

What makes the two CAVE systems in the DAF Technology Lab unique in the world is the full 360-degree VR experience, the high-quality combination of mixed reality and spatial audio, the tracking system that can follow a large number of users simultaneously to measure group dynamics, the teaching and training application, and the affordable solution they provide for education and research.

The lab was created thanks to an initial philanthropic donation from the PACCAR Foundation, the parent company of DAF Trucks NV and externally funded research projects to the lab team to measure new forms of education and training in a collaborative VR space, including funding from OPZuid, European Union, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Province of Noord-Brabant.

Using the CAVE systems for my classes brings students closer to the content I am teaching.

Genelec | Extended Reality at Tilburg University: Part 2 – Deeper dive into CAVE XR research

Deep CAVE diving in virtual reality. Discover how Tilburg University’s new Smart IP-powered CAVE XR environments can be employed to benefit education, research, business and more.

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Genelec assists in a new age of collaborative learning at Tilburg University

Immersive video with virtual reality is cool, but immersive audio AND video is much cooler. This is how DAF Technology Lab contributes to a new age of collaborative learning. Overview article on the 2x44 immersive audio speaker system in the CAVE systems of the DAF Technology Lab.

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Genelec | Extended Reality at Tilburg University: Part 1 – Smart IP immersive system powers research

A revolutionary way for students to learn and collaborate. These are not (only) our words, but those of partner Genelec who helped us create unprecedented immersive sound with their smart IP speaker system, all 44 of them in the two CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) systems of DAF Technology Lab.

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The lab has been funded bu a philantropic donation from the PACCAR Foundation, and grants from OPZuid, European Union, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Province of Noord-Brabant.